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Family Violence Temporary Protective Order (TPO)

Protection Order If you have been abused or harassed, you can request a Protective Order. If you have a relationship with the person you want protection from you may ask the Court for a Family Violence Temporary Protective Order. If you are not related to the person you may petition the Court for protection from stalking. If the Court grants your petition, you will initially receive an Ex Parte Temporary Protective Order. If the Court grants your Ex Parte Temporary Protective Order, you will receive a court date to return for a hearing at which time you may ask the Court for a 12-Month Protective Order.

  1. The information and documents below are intended for information purposes and your convenience ONLY and does not constitute legal advice.

  2. This does not replace legal advice from an attorney and if you feel you need legal advice, you should contact an attorney.

  3. Nothing on this website shall be a guarantee, warranty or other assurance that the information or documents provided are accurate or current; that any action on such information or documents is legally advisable; or that the forms or documents provided are proper for filing or will be accepted by any court.


TPO Filing Information please include TPO questionnaire with filing information


Family Violence Forms:

Petition for Temporary Protective Order

Family Violence Ex Parte Protective Order

Affidavit of Notice

Family Violence 12 Month Protective Order

Family Violence 3yr/Permanent Protective Order

Dismissal of Temporary Protective Order

Family Violence Continuance Order Form

Order to Modify Protective Order

Child Support Addendum to Family Violence Protective Order


Stalking Forms:

Petition for Stalking Protective Order

Stalking Ex Parte Protective Order

Stalking 12 Month Protective Order

Stalking 3 yr/ Permanent Protective Order

Stalking Permanent Protective Order Pursuant to Criminal Conviction

Dating Violence Forms:

Petition for Dating Violence Temporary Protective Order

Dating Violence EX PARTE Protective Order

Dating Violence Twelve Month Protective Order

Family Violence Intervention Programs and Articles:

Stalking Fact Sheet

National Institute of Justice-Stalking

Other Forms:

Stalking Protective Order pursuant to criminal conviction

Child Support Addendum of Protective Order

Family Violence Intervention Program Compliance Form

Family Violence Intervention Program Status Order

Sheriffs Entry of Service *UPDATED 11/14/24

Identifying Fact Sheet *UPDATED 03/28/25

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