Board Of Equalization
Note: Hearings will be held at the 'Annex'
155 Towne Lake Pkwy
Woodstock GA 30188
Appeal Reschedule Form
Appointments to the Board of Equalization Ad
To the citizens of Cherokee County:
During the last legislative session, Senate Bill 346 was passed and signed into law by Governor Sonny Perdue on May 13, 2010, with an effective date of January 1, 2011. This new law sets forth the changes to the Board of Assessors and the Board of Equalization.
One important section of the bill changes the oversight responsibilities from the Board of Equalization; and assigns these duties to the Clerk of Superior Court. This was done to ensure a neutral third party, the Clerk, would administer the operations in an effort to alleviate the appearance of impropriety and partiality.
As the Clerk of Superior Court, I take these responsibilities very seriously. It is important to understand that as the manager of these duties, I am responsible for the process NOT the decision rendered by the Board of Equalization. My office will always stand in the middle as the keeper of the record and will continue to be the unbiased holder of all filed paperwork. We have nothing to do with property values or decisions made by the board. I will make certain the process is fair to everyone and that each person is heard and treated with respect.
The members of the Board of Equalization are appointed by the Grand Jury; they are not employees of Cherokee County. The board members are citizens of Cherokee County just like you and me. Their appointment is not by a taxing department nor is their oversight by a taxing authority. Each board member takes an oath of office to faithfully and impartially discharge his or her duties as identified in the Georgia Code. Members are required to have forty (40) hours of training when first appointed and eight (8) hours of continuing education each subsequent year.
As always, your comments are welcomed and encouraged. You can email your comments to
Patty Baker
Clerk of Courts